Dear ScaryMommy, Marginalizing Dads is a Scary Mistake

In really like his perspective, men are really under a bus right now, and they need to be given more respect.

Papa Does Preach


Since becoming a father, I, like many people, have spoken up about dads playing more of an involved role in the upbringing of their children, as well as how the increased involvement is not only being downplayed but even ridiculed by still so many. And being the kind of person who loves to whip out my soapbox from time to time, I never have a problem when it comes to defending fellow dads.

2014 has been unofficially deemed the year of the dad. We’ve seen some pretty big strides taken to help break down the stereotypes of the idiot dad, but it still feels like we have a long way to go. For every hip and cool commercial, like #HowtoDad from Cheerios and the call to celebrate dads with Real Dad Moments by Dove Body Care, we still encounter examples of dads being marginalized on a daily basis. Some men…

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